This could potentially embarrass me because I’m not a singer per se nor a full fledged songwriter, however I have written music since I was 9. I’ve written for me mainly. It’s been my space wherefore I need not perform nor feel any need to prove importance to others since it’s serving me very similar to how yoga serves its followers: breathe, relax, meditate, and allowing for spiritual connection that naturally voids any imposing norms or shoulds.

This also could potentially embarrass me because this is a love song more or less. Love songs are difficult to write. Period, the end. It’s hard to navigate what is sincere and of depth versus what is contrived and sentimental. I’ve always preferred to go dark rather than celebrate the light, I feel foolish in the light especially if it’s professing my vulnerable love. Nevertheless, I recorded myself feeling somewhat vain, but also enjoying the idea of seeing and hearing in order to become better and more accepting. So, if you follow my blog, I might be doing this on a regular basis, if you don’t like it or feel embarrassed for me, then maybe you shouldn’t watch after this. Or maybe you should dare yourself to do something that reveals your deep love for something even if you aren’t the greatest at showing it…


Filed under beauty

5 responses to “

  1. love it. your voice, the words, your intention. makes me happy.

  2. morgan

    love you..and your arms are ripped.

  3. oh, i like this song. AND i like you risking. both.

  4. not sure which was more powerful – your vulnerability or your courage in this post. love it.

  5. e

    you’re inspiring.

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